Prof. Marcelo Hazin Alencar

Short Bio

Marcelo Hazin Alencar is an Associate Professor of management engineering at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) and founding coordinator of the REASON (Research Group on Risk Assessment and Modeling in Environment, Assets, Safety, Operations and Nature – He is a member of INSID (National Institute of Information and Decision Systems- He has a research fellowship Grantee for Productivity in Research from the Brazilian NRC (CNPq), since 2018. Before his current position, he worked as a Civil Engineer dealing with building projects, quality standards, and maintenance. His research focuses on MCDM/A (Multicriteria Decision Making and Aid), Risk, and Maintenance. Currently, he is the Director of the Professional Post-Graduate Program of Management Engineering at UFPE. He is co-chairing the Risk Management Technical Committee – ESRA (European Safety and Reliability Association) and is a Member of the Technical Programme Committee ESREL (European Safety and Reliability Conference).

1. University degrees

– BSc Civil Engineering (1998), Universidade de Pernambuco, Brazil
– Master’s in Management Engineering (2007), Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
– PhD in Management Engineering (2010), Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil 

2. Academic Positions

– Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) since 2010
– Director of Professional Post-Graduate Program of Management Engineering at UFPE
– Director of Post-Graduate Program of Management Engineering at UFPE – Caruaru Campus (2012-2016)

3. Other Professional Positions

– Civil Engineer at L. Priori Ind. Com. Ltda, from 1999 to 2006, dealing with building projects, quality standards and maintenance

4. Scientific Associations

Co-chair of Risk Management Technical Committee – ESRA (European Safety and Reliability Association)

5. Main Projects

– Full list of projects at: Brazilian CV system

6. Publications

Papers that I have authored or co-authored and had published in international scientific journals are listed in:

ISI system
Scopus System
ORCID system
Google Scholar

7. Contact details:

– E-Mail: